
Since 1993, Queensferry Care has been dedicated to providing high quality support services to older people and their carers in South Queensferry, Ratho, Ratho Station, Dalmeny, Newbridge and Kirkliston.  People with dementia; life-limiting illnesses; those experiencing social isolation and carers are supported to remain active and connected within their own communities through access to Day Opportunities - a varied programme of activities (home, centre and community based); Supper Club Befriending services and regular Lunch Clubs.


Additional Information

Additional Information

We have a number of policies and procedures to ensure Queensferry Care operates to the highest standards of professionalism, copies are available by request.  If any information you are… more

Our Board

Our Board

Queensferry Churches’ Care in the Community is a Company limited by guarantee and accordingly has a Board of Directors. The board operates four specialist committees: Finance, PR & Fundraising,… more

Our Funders

Our Funders

We are grateful for the support from our funders including Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership, The Life Changes Trust, The Robertson Trust, Age Scotland's About Dementia project In… more

Our History

Our History

In 1992 Queensferry was recognised to be an area of the Lothian's requiring care for older people and respite for carers.  A situation that often-left families isolated and struggling alone to provide… more

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide quality support services to older people and their carers within the communities of Northwest rural Edinburgh, enabling them to maintain an active and independent… more

Our Staff

Our Staff

We have a dedicated team of staff and volunteers providing support to older people and their carers in South Queensferry, Ratho, Ratho Station, Dalmeny, Newbridge and Kirkliston.  If you… more

Request a call-back

If you would like to make an enquiry about accessing our services, volunteering or would like us to get in touch, fill out the form below and we will contact you.

Queensferry Care is a Scottish Charity (No. SC021833) and a Company Limited by Guarantee, registered in Scotland (No. SC210822).

© 2025 Queensferry Care. All Rights Reserved. Website by Sanctus Media Ltd.