In 1992 Queensferry was recognised to be an area of the Lothian's requiring care for older people and respite for carers. A situation that often-left families isolated and struggling alone to provide care at home for their relatives.
Humble beginnings
A Local Authority Social Worker with responsibility for the care of older people, brought together a group of people from across the Queensferry community to see if a solution could be found. This included representation from the local Churches, GP surgery, Local Councillor and other interested parties.
One of the main issues identified was the need for Day Care.
A small grant was obtained for one year and a member of staff employed. Rev John Carrie (Minister at Queensferry Parish Church) played an integral part in all the negotiation offering a room and office at the Church.
How we've grown
QCCC has grown from providing day care to 8 people per week in Queensferry Parish Church Centre to providing a range of services including; Day Opportunities for up to 52 people per week; Supper Club for up to 14 couples per month; over 25 befriending matches, garden tidy service, other volunteer opportuities, provided by over 80 volunteers.
Our Board of Directors continue to ensure that we maintain high quality care and service delivery. The Board continue to work alongside our staff team and volunteers to identify and meet the changing needs of an aging population.