
Gillian Smith

Gillian Smith

Registered Manager (Job Share)

I work at the end of the week as Queensferry Cares’ Registered Manager. Responsibilities include reporting to the Care Inspectorate, liaising with our H&SCP regarding our Day Service Contract, liaising with the EIJB re our Supper Club and Volunteer Hub contract, reporting to the Board, ensuring the organisation meets H&S and other legal requirements, and managing our fabulous staff team. 

Where do or did you work?

Prior to working with Queensferry Care I had various roles, including supporting people with additional needs, transport clerk, able body seaperson, lifeguard, and bar person, to name a few. 

When and why did you get involved with QCCC?

Having experienced carer support whilst a student on placement with VOCAL, I decided that I wanted to work with carers. Queensferry Care provided this opportunity, and the rest is history as they say.

What hobbies and interests do you have?

I like jogging – which keeps me sane!  I enjoy reading (mostly crime novels), watching TV and films (again I’m drawn to a good who dun it), listening to music (John’s desperately trying to get me to listen to a wider range of music), and finally I like a good wine, good food and good company with whom to share the wine and food.

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If you would like to make an enquiry about accessing our services, volunteering or would like us to get in touch, fill out the form below and we will contact you.

Queensferry Care is a Scottish Charity (No. SC021833) and a Company Limited by Guarantee, registered in Scotland (No. SC210822).

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