£1161 donation from Santa Sleigh Ride

David Buchanan (Chair) and Neil Davidson (Treasurer/Secretary) of Kirkliston Community Council came in to the Haven today (23.1.2024) to present a cheque for £661 from donations received at the Santa Sleigh Ride event, which happened on Christmas Eve in Kirkliston, with us as their chosen charity.
Kirkliston Community Council applied to the Bank of Scotland Foundation for matched funding and we received £500 from Bank of Scotland, which takes their total to a fantastic £1161.00
We are very grateful to Kirkliston Community Council, Bank of Scotland, and the community of Kirkliston for their ongoing support.
Photo (from left) David Buchanan (Chair Kirkliston Community Council), Jim Snodgrass (Day Care Member), John Robson (Day Care Worker) and Neil Davidson (Treasurer/Secretary Kirkliston Community Council)